《好舞蹈》網羅國家院團舞者 揭秘熒屏秀背后故事

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:50 评论:0
原標題:舞林高手 既有“鐵飯碗” 何必來PK?   盛世東來自中央芭蕾舞團。圖為《堂吉訶德》劇照。   三兒是來自東北的一位popping舞者。相對於芭蕾、現代舞等,街舞舞者比較“草根”。San is a popping...
原標題:舞林高手 既有“鐵飯碗” 何必來PK?



San is a popping dancer from the northeast. For ballet, modern dance, etc., street dancers are more “grass roots”.



Last weekend, Zhejiang's review of "China's Good Dances" by the Venus team came to an end. As a result, Kwok Fung, Hei Qing, and Jinxung's team of mentors completed their selections, and Kwok's team came out.

  作為一檔面向大眾的娛樂型電視舞蹈節目,《中國好舞蹈》網羅了一批已在專業舞蹈圈子佔有一席之地的舞者。其中不乏畢業於知名院校、手握“桃李杯”、“荷花獎”等專業獎杯,乃至在國內各大院團當上首席、演上主角的“舞林精英”。大規模來自國家院團的舞者涌入,也使得《中國好舞蹈》與原版節目《So You Think You Can Dance》更為草根化的舞者來源大相徑庭。那是什麼理由促使這些已獲業界認可的舞者走上電視熒屏一展身手,他們各自不同的訴求是什麼,參加節目是否能讓他們得償所願,而他們又將為此付出什麼代價?

As an entertainment television dance show for the general public, "China Good Dance" has brought together a group of dancers who already have a place in professional dance circles. Among them is the graduation of such professional trophies as the prestigious institutions, the "Peach Li Grail" and the "The Flower Award", as well as the leading and leading dancers in the country's complexes. The influx of dancers from the National House has also made "China Good Dance" and the original "So You Think You Can Dance" more a source of grass-roots dancers. What are the reasons why these well-established dancers take part in television shows, what are their different demands, whether they can get what they want, and what are they going to pay for it?


New Kyoto newspaper reporters interviewed a number of contestants and professionals from the National Council about the real situation of the dancers behind the screen show.

  同意參賽? No

No .


Motivated or Motivated Dissolved by the Academy


This year, these dancers continue to be a major source of programmers. For example, this year’s Sun Fung-borg, intoxicated, like last year’s Zhang Shuzuki, Liang Xi, all come from the Hai Dynasty Corps, and are also co-taught in the Emancipation Academy. The top dancers of the East Song Dance Club who have been in this season’s Renaissance by the Director-General of the Festival Arts Camp, and last year’s Sha Jin-nam, Chen’s former colleague.


The Chinese National House dancers come mainly from the central group, the local group, and the provincial group. The central group includes the central ballet group, the Chinese opera theatre, and the Eastern dance group. The Beijing Opera House, the Shanghai Dance Group, and the China Sea Group, are all part of the local school group. The Chinese team, the Chinese team, the local group, and the Chinese team, the Chinese team, the Chinese team, the local group, the local group, the Chinese team, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the local group, the locals, the local group, the locals, the locals, the locals, and the Chinese group, the Chinese group, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the Chinese, the

  同意參賽? Yes



A lot of dancers are recommended by the group.


According to the director-in-chief of the “good dance” Xu, many of the group's dancers were directly recommended by the director-in-chief. Chu, “Every cell can dance” was praised by Kwok Fu City; he was recommended by the columnist of the Beijing Song and Dance Theatre. Another “Ballet Prince” from the Central Ballet was introduced by a friend early in the first season.


5-Labour holiday, he flew to Shanghai for a record show, which was later supported by the same set of time as his coaches. During the second round of battle, when the director was running around the ring, Ju’s time ran into his band, and the time was set to crash with him, it was impossible to quit. “We signed a contract for the Poly Hall line, and my schedule was fixed, and I could say that it was too late for change, and everyone understood it,” Shenton said. Ju’s North Song, which supported him in the same way as the contest. In the second round of battle, when the director was in the middle of the campaign, he was in the middle of the band, and he was in the middle of the five-year performance of the Beijing show.


2013 > >

  張傲月 海政文工團前舞者,參加《舞林爭霸》被單位解約,奪冠后簽約燦星

Jang Hao-suk, a former dancer at the Hai Xinqin Club, was released from the contract and signed the contract after winning.

  唐詩逸 中國歌劇舞劇院舞者

Tang Xi Yu, the Chinese opera and theatre dancer.

  朱潔靜 上海歌舞團舞者

Jeong Jing, Shanghai Song Dancer.

  劉福洋 浙江歌舞劇院舞蹈團團長

Liu Fu-young, head of the Zhejiang Song and Dance Theatre dance group.

  楊帥 空政文工團前舞者,現為自由舞者

Mr. Yang, ex-Dancer of the Air Corps, now a free dancer.

  沙呷俊楠 東方歌舞團前舞者,現已退團

She's a former dancer of the East Song Dance Group. She's gone.

  梁茜 海政文工團前舞者,后辭職參賽,現解放軍藝術學院碩士在讀

Liang Xi, ex-dancer of the Heichen Corps, resigned and is now studying at the Liberator Academy of Arts.


Some of China's "Good Dances" in 2014 are now staged by dancers.

  盛世東 中央芭蕾舞團舞者,已退賽

The central ballet dancers have dropped out of the race.

  朱? 北京歌舞劇院舞者,已淘汰

Chu, the Beijing Dance and Dance House dancer, has been eliminated.

  楊晶晶 上海歌劇院舞劇團舞者,已淘汰

Yang Jingjing, the Shanghai Opera House dancer, has been eliminated.

  孫富博 海政文工團前舞者,已淘汰

Sun Fu-bok, ex-Dancer of the Hypocracy Corps, has been eliminated.

  陶醉 海政文工團前舞者,已淘汰

Ex-Dancer of the Haijing Man Corps, eliminated.

  曾明 東方歌舞團舞者,進入復活營

Tsang Ming, the East Song Dancer, enter the camp.


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