At the international level, 此次教程小编将以在小狐狸钱包购买数字藏品为例,为广大投资者介绍怎么买数字藏品?详细教程见下文: As an example of how to buy a digital collection for a wide range of investors, the tutor will use the wallet of
1.进入网页后,连接您的钱包,通过“发现”页选择您喜爱的商品,单击“立即购买”或者价格,进入商品详情页,可以在详情页下方查看作品相关信息,“作品描述”、“品牌描述”、“交易记录”等。 After entering the web page, connect your wallet , select your favorite commodity by "discovering" the page, click "prompt purchase" or the price, enter the commodity details page, and view information about the work at the bottom of the details page, "descript of the work", "brand description" and "transaction record". 2.若您想购买该商品,可单击“立即购买”,进入支付页面。 If you want to buy the commodity, click " Buy immediately ", enter the payment page. 若“立即购买”按钮显示为“售罄”,可单击“选择其他编号”进入商品列表界面,选择其他编号,单击“查看商品”,进入商品详情页; If the Purchase Now button appears to be " sold out ", you can click Select Other Numbers into the Commodity List Interface, select Other Numbers, click View Commodities, enter the Commodity Details Page; 3.在弹出的支付页面中,确认购买商品名字、作品内容和价格,无异常则单击“立即支付”; To confirm the purchase of the name of the commodity, the content of the work and the price on the pop-up payment page, and to click "pay immediately " without exception; 4.授权交易,进行支付需要对钱包进行授权处理,单击“确认”即可; The authorized transaction, the payment of which requires the authorization to process the wallet, is sufficient by clicking "Acfirmation " ; 5.gas费设置,一般达到最小要求即可,单击“确认”,待弹出支付成功界面,即成功完成了此次购买; The gas fee setting, which generally meets the minimum requirement, click " Confirms ", the pending payment successful interface, i.e. successfully completed the purchase; 6.单击“个人中心”,可以看到该商品已经在“我购买的”中; Click the Personal Centre to see that the commodity is already in "I bought it " ; 随着互联网技术的深入发展,对各个行业带来的效率提升是不可否认的。但在艺术收藏品市场,因为产品具有非标准化、稀缺性的特点,所以与其他日常产品相比,交易频次较低,线上化程度也不高。 As Internet technology advances further, efficiency gains to various industries are undeniable. But in the art collection market, where products are non-standardized and scarce, they are less frequently traded and less wired than other everyday products. 一般来说,对于低频交易的商品,中介在撮合买家和卖家成交中起到的作用也越大,因此也存在较高的交易费用。 In general, for low-frequency traded goods, the greater the role of intermediaries in the brokering of buyers and sellers, and therefore the higher transaction costs. 从此前电商平台在国内的发展情况来看,电商模式的兴起对零售业态的改变是颠覆性的,尤其是提升了交易效率,降低了交易成本。在具体的价格表现上,就是商品售价的降低——因为互联网平台直接对接了买家和卖家,交易的实时性和便利性让中间商的利润逐渐趋于零。 In the light of previous developments in the country, the growth of the power vendor model has been disruptive, particularly in terms of improving the efficiency of transactions and lowering transaction costs. In terms of price performance, the price of commodities has been reduced – because Internet platforms directly connect buyers and sellers – and the real-time and convenient nature of the trade has led to a gradual decline in the profits of the middlemen. 而在其他零售商品上发生过的故事,是否会在数字藏品市场,或者说更大的收藏品市场重演? Will the stories that have happened in other retail commodities be repeated in the digital collection market, or in the larger collection market? 不可否认,与传统的艺术收藏不同,数字藏品自有其特殊性。数字藏品/NFT在区块链的基础上赋予数字文件独特的标识和元数据,可以将它们彼此区分开来。在技术环节,每个数字藏品都存储在区块链上,创建一个不可变的记录,其中包含有关代币创建、销售、数字藏品与特定数字资产的关联以及拥有或使用数字资产的许可范围的信息。基于数字藏品的特性,数字藏品可以用于艺术、游戏、时尚、供应链、房地产、媒体、娱乐、体育、公益等场景。 There is no denying that, unlike traditional art collections, digital collections have their own special features. The digital collections/NFTs are stored at 从目前数字藏品的来源看,有中青年艺术家与平台 联合发售的数字艺术作品、也有IP的衍生品发售等形式。艺术价值取决于艺术家的数字原生创作的能力,也取决于新一代消费者对数字藏品的认可程度。 The value of the arts depends on the ability of the artist to create the digital originals and on the recognition of the digital collections by the new generation of consumers. 希望大家能够一文学会数字藏品买卖交易。我们知道,因为国内的NFT起步时间较晚,所以现在国内主要就以一级市场数字藏品交易为主。其中主要是以阿里、腾讯、百度等为代表分别布局蚂蚁链、至信链以及超级链等为代表的,今年数字藏品的发展更是如火如荼了。虽然中国的起步比国外更晚,但是在过去的一年时间里,数字藏品市场已经呈现出了百花齐放的状态,诸如电影、电竞、绘画等许多的文娱行业已经推出了自己的数字藏品。 We know that because the NFT started late in the country, the country now mainly deals in first-level market digital collections. This year’s digital collections have grown even faster, mainly in the form of Ali, Tetsu, Pepsi, and others, representing ant chains, to letter chains, and supermarkets. 上述就是数字藏品怎么买卖?数字藏品买卖交易操作教程的详细内容,更多关于数字藏品买卖交易的资料请关注币牛牛其它相关文章! This is how digital collections are bought and sold. Details of the course on the operation of digital collections, and more information on the trade in digital collections, please pay attention to other relevant articles! 本站提醒:投资有风险,入市须谨慎,本内容不作为投资理财建议。 Tag:数字藏品买卖交易 ? serves as a reminder that strong> investments are risky and market entry is prudent, and this does not constitute an investment finance advice. Tag: Trade in digital collections?
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