
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:118 评论:0


At the international level, NFT



As an example of how to buy a digital collection for a wide range of investors, the tutor will use the wallet of


After entering the web page, connect your wallet , select your favorite commodity by "discovering" the page, click "prompt purchase" or the price, enter the commodity details page, and view information about the work at the bottom of the details page, "descript of the work", "brand description" and "transaction record".



If you want to buy the commodity, click " Buy immediately ", enter the payment page.


If the Purchase Now button appears to be " sold out ", you can click Select Other Numbers into the Commodity List Interface, select Other Numbers, click View Commodities, enter the Commodity Details Page;



To confirm the purchase of the name of the commodity, the content of the work and the price on the pop-up payment page, and to click "pay immediately " without exception;



The authorized transaction, the payment of which requires the authorization to process the wallet, is sufficient by clicking "Acfirmation " ;



The gas fee setting, which generally meets the minimum requirement, click " Confirms ", the pending payment successful interface, i.e. successfully completed the purchase;




Click the Personal Centre to see that the commodity is already in "I bought it " ;



As Internet technology advances further, efficiency gains to various industries are undeniable. But in the art collection market, where products are non-standardized and scarce, they are less frequently traded and less wired than other everyday products.


In general, for low-frequency traded goods, the greater the role of intermediaries in the brokering of buyers and sellers, and therefore the higher transaction costs.


In the light of previous developments in the country, the growth of the power vendor model has been disruptive, particularly in terms of improving the efficiency of transactions and lowering transaction costs. In terms of price performance, the price of commodities has been reduced – because Internet platforms directly connect buyers and sellers – and the real-time and convenient nature of the trade has led to a gradual decline in the profits of the middlemen.


Will the stories that have happened in other retail commodities be repeated in the digital collection market, or in the larger collection market?


There is no denying that, unlike traditional art collections, digital collections have their own special features. The digital collections/NFTs are stored at , which provides unique identifiers and metadata for digital files. Each digital collection is stored at , creating an immutable record that contains information on the links between the creation, sale, digital collection and specific digital assets, as well as on the scope of licences to own or use digital assets.

从目前数字藏品的来源看,有中青年艺术家与平台 联合发售的数字艺术作品、也有IP的衍生品发售等形式。艺术价值取决于艺术家的数字原生创作的能力,也取决于新一代消费者对数字藏品的认可程度。

The value of the arts depends on the ability of the artist to create the digital originals and on the recognition of the digital collections by the new generation of consumers.


We know that because the NFT started late in the country, the country now mainly deals in first-level market digital collections. This year’s digital collections have grown even faster, mainly in the form of Ali, Tetsu, Pepsi, and others, representing ant chains, to letter chains, and supermarkets.


This is how digital collections are bought and sold. Details of the course on the operation of digital collections, and more information on the trade in digital collections, please pay attention to other relevant articles!

本站提醒:投资有风险,入市须谨慎,本内容不作为投资理财建议。 Tag:数字藏品买卖交易 ?

serves as a reminder that investments are risky and market entry is prudent, and this does not constitute an investment finance advice. Tag: Trade in digital collections?


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