The introduction of block chain technology in the traditional construction industry will help the construction industry to be more efficient, intelligent, safer and environmentally friendly, and to optimize and improve existing construction business models and service methods. Analysis of the BIM impact on the construction industry, guided by regional chain technology, describes how it is integrated with its BIM, CIM.
1.1 BIM的概念
1.1 BIM Concept
BIM is a complete three-dimensional space and multi-dimensional information model that integrates the engineering information, construction processes and other resources of construction projects at different stages throughout their life cycle into a model that is easily accessible to project participants.
1.2 CIM的概念
1.2 The concept of CIM
Urban planning, the impact of smart decision-making in design and management processes on the fine-tuning, visualization, dynamics and integration of city physical information. This is the technical description of urban numerical descriptions and expressions, i.e., the CIM (city information model). The CIM is a digital description and a variety of physical indicators and their spatial and temporal state in cities and underground, indoors and outdoors.
1.3 区块链的概念
1.3 The concept of block chains
The block chain is based on the concept of an electronic cash system architecture based on P2P network technology, mathematics, cryptography and time stamp technology, based on the concept of trust between people and people generated through Internet technology.
II. BIM Impact on Construction
2.1 BIM技术对传统建筑业的地位
2.1 BIM Technology Status of Traditional Construction
With the rapid development of information technology in the construction industry, construction enterprises should focus more on information, knowledge and technology, making production methods more efficient and intensive by optimizing the distribution of production resources and factors, and with the diffusion and application of BIM technology, the growth of the construction industry will shift to knowledge-based production, dissemination and applications.
2.2 BIM技术优化建筑项目各流程
2.2 BIM Technology optimizes construction project processes
The industrial use of BIM technology has significant economic, social, and environmental implications. The Stanford University Integrated Facilities Engineering Centre (CIFE) analysed research on 32 projects using BIM and concluded that BIM will be used in the construction industry and will have the following effects:
(1) Elimination of 40 per cent of extrabudgetary changes;
(ii) within 3 per cent of the estimated cost control accuracy?
(3) An 80 per cent reduction in the estimated time for cost reduction;
(4) Reduction of contract prices by 10 per cent through identification and conflict resolution;
(5)项目期限缩短7%, 投资回报提前实现。BIM技术在建筑行业的应用与发展,不仅节约了资源, 提高了生产率,还促进了产业升级,提高了建筑业的经济效益。
(5) The duration of the project is reduced by 7% and the return on investment is realized ahead of schedule. BIM technology applications and development in the construction industry have not only saved resources, increased productivity, promoted industrial upgrading and increased economic efficiency in the construction industry.
2.3 BIM技术是推动建筑业绿色建筑快速发展的重要手段
2.3 BIM technology is an important vehicle for the rapid development of green buildings in the construction industry
The goal of green architecture is to save land, energy, water, materials, capital and ensure low-carbon emissions, and BIM is an effective means to achieve this. BIM is a good building information carrier. Using this vehicle, a variety of information, such as building materials equipment, resources and systems, can be integrated and managed centrally to achieve the integrity, accuracy, control and consistency of all information, ultimately controlling costs, quality and efficiency.
?2.4 由建筑信息模型(BIM)转向智慧城市 CIM)
♪ 2.4 From Building Information Model (BIM) to Smart City CIM
CIM has assumed an increasingly important role in the areas of urban planning, land resource management, integrated corridor management and transport governance, and technicians and some scholars have begun to focus on developing urban modelling techniques to better digitize and express cities.
III. How to integrate block chain technology with BIM
根据NBS的调查,目前Level 2 BIM在英国的应用己经有了很大的进步,因此英国政府开始开展Level 3 BIM的工作。Level 3 BIM的核心是强调所有的建筑参与者在一个统一的、共享的模型进行工作,以促进更深的合作,但是会面临很多问题,如合同纠纷、知识产权、安全性等,区块链技术可能是打开Level 3 BIM的钥匙之一。
According to NBS, the current application of Level 2 BIM in the UK has improved considerably, so the British government has started work on Level 3 BIM. The core of Level 3 BIM is to emphasize that all building participants work in a unified, shared model to promote deeper cooperation, but there are many problems, such as contractual disputes, intellectual property rights, security, etc., where block chain technology may be one of the keys to opening up Level 3 BIM.
3.1 记录不可更
3.1 The record cannot be improved
根据Level 3 BIM的要求,BIM模型需要分享,不可避免地会面临模型之前的记录被删除或被恶意篡改的风险。运用区块链技术,使得拥有者和后来者都无法删除或篡改曾经做过的任何记录。同时,由于区块链技术记录了整个项目从无到有的过程,也使得项目更加透明,避免了合同纠纷等问题。
The BIM model needs to be shared, as required by Level 3 BIM, and inevitably faces the risk of pre-model records being deleted or tampered with maliciously. The use of block chain technology makes it impossible for owners and later owners to delete or tamper with any record they have ever made.
3.2 模型、数字构件的拥有权和知识产权的证明
3.2 Evidence of ownership of models, digital components and intellectual property rights
Models and digital components, when shared with different professions and companies, also pose problems of ownership and intellectual property rights. Using block chain technology, each component and model can be given an address (e.g., the address of Bitcoin) and recorded on the block chain. If a heating designer establishes a family of air processors and gives a specific address in the block chain.
3.3 将模型与实物链接
3.3 Link the model to the physical
In the course of construction, block chain technology can link the components in BIM to the physical. In the course of factory production, a microchip that can connect to the Internet is added and is connected to BIM, which already exists. On the one hand, the physical location is recorded, and the physical quantity is matched to BIM, which improves the supply chain management of construction. While WSN (the antenna sensor network) technology was used in the past to record the physical, it faced safety problems due to the fact that the WSN technology was non-centralized. On the other hand, the block chain technology could be solved.
3.4 去中心化的公共数据环境 CDE)
3.4 Decentralised public data environment CED)
The public data environment is the UK-defined central data repository, which includes building all documents of the project, non-geometric assets and BIM models, designed to increase collaboration among project members, reduce errors and avoid duplication. But the CDE has a fatal problem: security, especially in relation to classified or sensitive items. Perhaps the decentralization and encryption mechanisms of block chain technology can effectively address this problem.
IV. Use of block chain technology + CIM
4.1 应用方向
4.1 Orientation of application
In block chains + CIM, the block chains are divided into the following four areas for application?
(1) Exchange of values recorded;
(2) Regulation of intellectual contracts;
(3) Decentralization;
(4) Confirmation of the existence of data.
4.2 Development vision
4.2.1 智能合约
4.2.1 Smart contracts
A smart contract is a set of commitments defined in digital form, including agreements in which participants can implement them. Digital form means that the contract has to be written into a computer readable code. That is necessary, because the rights and obligations created by an intelligent contract are executed by a computer or computer network as long as the participants reach an agreement. The use of smart contracts can also be facilitated by combining BIM with block chain technology, a computerized transaction agreement designed to implement the terms of the project, which replaces mutual trust with third-party “mediaters”.
4.2.2 DAO (去中心化的匿名组织)
4.2.2 DAO (a decentralised anonymous organization)
A series of smart contracts can be used to create a DAO, an organization that follows rules based on an intelligent contract to translate into a computer program.
4.2.3 身份的验证授权
4.2.3 Authorization to authenticate identity
The creation of an electronic ID allows people to share relevant information that has been validated by an authoritative authority. The identity of the supplier can be safely recorded on the block chain, and this information can be used to build credibility in work and contracts.
Examples of block chain technology + CIM technology applications
In the framework of the plan for the new zone in Hebei, there is a reference to “promoting the application of information security technology and developing an autonomous and manageable cyberspace security industry.” Research and development and testing of technologies such as superstructured block chains, Tehez, cognitive computing, etc. In the context of the global promotion of the new zone, it is proposed that Yuan will have a powerful “city brain” using new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, block chains, artificial intelligence, etc., to plan for the construction of the brain of a new and intelligent city. In the future, Yuan will simulate truth in a digital city, optimize its functioning in a real city, and truly achieve smart urban governance and intelligent allocation of public resources.
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