
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:27 评论:0
行情动态 Row dynamics BTC最近成交价7110.11美元,24小时变化-1.95%;BTC has recently entered into a deal of $7110.11,...


Row dynamics


BTC has recently entered into a deal of $7110.11, a 24-hour change - 1.95 per cent;


ETH recently paid US$ 146.25, a 24-hour change of -2.27 per cent;


BCH recently traded US$ 208.69, a 24-hour change - 2.73 per cent;


EOS recently paid $2.534, a 24-hour change - 2.32 per cent.

V神对Galaxy Digital创始人在早期购买以太坊表示感谢:针对Galaxy Digital创始人Mike Novogratz透露从V神手中购买50万枚以太坊一事,V神在推特表示,这是向以太坊基金会购买,而不是我个人。我感谢Novogratz和其他早期购买ETH的买家。如果没有他们,也许以太坊基金会在经济上不会幸存下来,以太坊的发展也会更加艰难。[2020/11/17 21:06:01]

V thanked the founder of Galaxy Digital for the early purchase of Etheria: in response to the discovery by Mike Novogratz, founder of Galaxy Digital, of the purchase of half a million Etherias from V Gods, V on Twitter said that this was from the Etheraya Foundation, not from myself. I thank Novogratz and other buyers of the early purchase of ETHs. Without them, perhaps the Etheraya Foundation would not have survived financially, and its development would have been even more difficult. [202020/11/17 21:06:01]


Industrial Development


The central bank issued a financial report reciting 173 virtual money platforms as risk-free exits

历史上的今天 | 以太坊主网正式上线:2013年年末,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin发布了以太坊初版白皮书,启动了项目。2014年7月24日起,以太坊进行了为期42天的以太币预售。2015年7月30日,以太坊主网正式上线,并诞生创世区块。[2020/7/30]

In late 2013, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Etherm, launched the project by issuing an initial version of his White Paper. On July 24, 2014, the Etherm started a 42-day pre-sale in Ether. On July 30, 2015, Ether was officially launched and created.[2020/7/30]


The People's Bank of China issued a report on China's financial stability, which states, in the context of “Basic information on the development of financial science and technology in our country”, that traditional financial institutions use scientific and technological means to innovate. For example, they improve the efficiency of their operations, develop new technologies such as artificial intelligence, carry out smart investment operations, introduce block-link technologies in the areas of settlement of payments, credit management, asset trusteeship, etc., and use smart contracts to streamline risk management and increase transparency.


In an exclusive interview with the Golden Book, the founder of Wise Capital, Xiaokang, said that there was a currency overhang, as the current bailout plans of governments such as the United States would result in a significant overdraft of government credit, the most effective way to increase the currency.


Government agencies such as the Federal Reserve, whose approach is designed to ease the rapid collapse of market credit, currently the United States Government provides $4 trillion in financial support to businesses alone, which is the overall size of three QEs in the subprime crisis, with three non-conventional instruments used in the subprime crisis already activated, while the remaining unstarted because of its limited role in the subprime crisis and the greater likelihood of large-scale economic inflation.


If there is a significant depreciation of the dollar, then the value of risk-avoiding assets such as gold will immediately become apparent, and whether Bitcoin will show value in the process will depend on whether the market considers it to be a hedge asset. Because of the small size of Bitcoin, the logic of whether it is a hedge or a risk asset is constantly being argued. [2020/3/24]


The report also states that, since 2018, the financial system has taken serious steps to implement the decisions of the Party’s central government and the State Council, and to implement the measures set out by the central authorities to combat the war. The 173 virtual currency transactions and money-distribution financing platforms in the country have all been withdrawn without risk.


We're piloting rice traceability for the use of block chain technology in Jilin.


In Jilin, a rice traceability pilot was carried out for the application of block chain technology, with the full “uplink” of basic information on cultivation, business information, the product environment, inputs, field management, etc.


V God: Ether was able to handle 3,000 transactions per second after the upgrade in Istanbul.


Some of the upgrades that will take place in Ether are outlined in a recent Etherworld founder, God V. These include an abstract account, a first-class smart contract wallet; a Casper equity certificate; a resource-efficient light client; a 3000+TPS after a post-Istanbul upgrade; a non-interactive ZKP, with privacy and scalability; standing; and a higher TPS after a film. It is known that an Etheraya Istanbul upgrade is now scheduled to take place in early December.


People's Bank of China, Xi'an branch: the need to guard against the virtual currency of the "four main lines"


At the end of the year, the international virtual currency market is warming again. The People’s Bank of China’s Xianan branch warns that a large number of investors need to guard against the virtual currency “four main sets.”


According to the Xian branch, some of the outlaws have recently disguised themselves as block chain investment experts, insiders of the “financial innovation” project, which relies on the Internet to promote illicit financial assets, such as virtual currency, virtual assets, through chat tools, dating platforms and leisure forums, and to incite a wide range of investors to seize the opportunity to engage in virtual currency transactions.


Vice-President of the Central Bank of France: hoping to improve the financial system through block chain technology


Denis Beau, the first Vice-President of the Central Bank of France, called for the establishment in Europe of a settlement and payment system based on distributed bookkeeping techniques.


Beau says:


“The monetization of financial assets, coupled with block-based solutions, can help meet market demand. In addition, distributed account booking techniques can facilitate the total amount and payment process, cross-currency settlement, etc.”


The Thailand Consumer Tax Administration will establish a system of block-based tax refunds for oil exporters


The Thailand Consumer Tax Department is preparing to establish a block-based tax refund system for oil exporters. Government agencies are negotiating with the Krungthai Bank to develop the system and plan to adopt it by mid-2020.

标签:区块链以太坊BEAMIDAS区块链上班都是干什么的以太坊最新价格行情昭BEAIMidas Protocol

Label: block chain


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