
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:65 评论:0
  来源:一见财经 Source: See Finance & nbsp;   因某些虚拟货币交易所死灰复燃,最近一段时间,“虚拟货币”又成为各界关注的话题。 As a result of the resurgence...


Source: See Finance & nbsp;


As a result of the resurgence of some virtual currency exchanges, “virtual currency” has become the subject of attention in recent times.



On 7 June, the daily Journal of the Economy stated that it was alert to virtual currency scams.


On 1 June, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council officially issued the General Programme for the Construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, in which six points refer to the block chain. The Hainan Free Trade Port block chain industry is to be used in advance, but is to be demarcated from the currency. & nbsp;


On 15 May, the Hainan Government issued a circular by the Hainan Province Department of Industry and Information Technology on the strict and legal conduct of sector chain-related operations, stating that enterprises are required to carry out sector-related operations in strict compliance with the law, are prohibited from illegally financing the issuance of tokens, are prohibited from engaging in exchange operations between legal currencies and tokens, “virtual currencies”, are prohibited from buying, selling or selling tokens or “virtual currencies” as central counterparties, and are not allowed to provide pricing, information intermediaries, etc. for tokens or “virtual currencies”.


On 24 April, the New Kyoto newspaper published a new warning from the Internet lending leadership group to prevent the resurgence of virtual currency booms. & nbsp;



As can be seen from central documents and local policies, as well as media reports, virtual currency transactions are already in a state of “everyone calls” in the country.


In fact, as early as September 4, 2017, seven departments, namely, the Central Bank, the Network Office, the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the Directorate-General of Commerce and Industry, the Banking Supervisory Board, the CVM, the Insurance Supervisory Board, and others, explicitly prohibited ICO financing. The seven departments informed that no organization or individual should be involved in the illegal financing of money issues, and that the financing of various forms of money issues should cease immediately.


In the years since then, regulators have been high on virtual currency transactions. & nbsp;



Although the regulatory parties explicitly prohibit it, I have recently found that the virtual currency trading platform OKEx continues to provide mainland Chinese users with business related to virtual currency transactions, renminbi and gold entry through the domain name of okex.me.



See also King's observation that the opening of the ROEEX network of Chinese domain names www.okex.me clearly sees the “zone of French currency transactions” which are divided into fast-track and self-constituency areas, with Chinese users buying virtual currencies such as USD directly through the renminbi (CNY).


  域名注册信息显示,okex.me属于OKEX MALTA LTD的公司,该公司为OKEx在马耳他注册的公司。

Domain name registration information indicates that okex.me belongs to OKEX  MALTA  LTD, a company registered in Malta by OKEx.


On the Okex.me website, there is a blatant display of teaching Chinese users how to purchase bitcoin. In the video, the words “paying treasures, micro-letters, bank cards, CNY” appear. src=


The author tried to purchase USDT in renminbi and was able to do so normally (see figure below).



According to internal sources, “previously in the OKEx Jumpstart project, although the officials' bulletin stated that mainland China users were not allowed to participate in the drawing of lots, a large number of mainland China users were actually involved in IEO activities by purchasing offshore accounts.” & nbsp;


In addition, it appears that OKEx still has an actual office in the country, one of which is located on the fourth floor, 3-6 4002, of the 3rd floor of the Heidian Enterprise Road in Beijing, registered as Lekuda Network Science and Technology Ltd. on 22 March 2018.


In addition, a recent release by a Twitter user named “The Nine Sisters are Me” (certified by the Director of Business of the Big Clients of the OKEx Digital Asset Trading Platform) shows that OKEx organized a live-to-door meeting of China's big clients in mainland China.




In the face of signs of a “relapsing” of current virtual currency transactions, regulators point out that, according to the regulations in force, no person, institution may promote a virtual currency project or platform, sell or trade in virtual currency operations, engage in virtual currency transactions or disguised transactions with investors, engage in or represent virtual currency distribution transactions within or outside the country, and financial institutions and non-bank payment agencies may not provide services for the sale or sale of any virtual currency transactions.


According to regulators, we have been able to combat virtual currency transactions, ICOs and disguised ICOs by means of a combination of on-site interviews, administrative investigations, blocking of websites, and the establishment of criminal cases.



The combing found that regulators have recently warned and warned against the risk of virtual currency transactions. & nbsp;

  去年底,北京地方金融局、央行营业管理部等四部门发布《关于进一步防范“虚拟货币”交易活动的风险提示 》,口吻严厉。

At the end of last year, four departments & nbsp; src=

  今年3月22日,中国人民银行官方微信公众号发布了一篇文章《315金融消费权益保护⑧ | 不要被虚拟货币交易平台骗了》,这篇文章揭露了虚拟货币交易所的三大套路:套路一:刷量严重。套路二:恶意爆仓。套路三:打着区块链的旗号,打着高收益的幌子,实行诈骗之实。 

On 22 March this year, the official Twitter public of the People's Bank of China published an article entitled "315 Financial Consumer Rights and Interests Protection 8  nbsp; Do not be deceived by virtual money trading platforms ", which reveals the three main ways of a virtual currency exchange: the first one: a serious brush. The second one: a malicious explosion. The third one: fraud under the banner of a block chain and under the guise of high returns.


At the same time, it is stated that “bitcoin is a hedge asset” is a false proposition. How can a highly volatile asset like Bitcoin be a hedge asset? & nbsp;


On 2 April, the China Internet Finance Association issued a Risk Notice for Participation in the Expatriate Virtual Money Exchange Platform Speculators, stating that, following the ICO ban, the platform would use a variety of market manipulation methods to encroach on consumer property, including through malicious operating procedures such as high-purchase low-sales, high-frequency transactions, the manipulation of transactions using such technical means as plating, lashing, smashing, etc., and abruptly stagnating transactions, with consumers involved in leveraged transactions losing a huge amount of money by failing to take the initiative to level their silos. & nbsp;


On 24 April, a telephone conference was recently convened jointly by the leadership group on mutual funds management and the leadership group on Internet lending, which noted the need to strengthen the monitoring of additional risks in other areas, such as Internet asset management, virtual currency speculation and illicit foreign exchange transactions, and to establish rapid mechanisms for the development, characterization and disposal of counter-measures that maintain high levels of pressure at all times in order to prevent a resurgence. & nbsp;


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