What Is the Metaverse? 什么是元宇宙?

资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:28 评论:0
What Is the Metaverse? 什么是元宇宙? 2022-06-20 10:13 By Geri...
What Is the Metaverse? 什么是元宇宙? 2022-06-20 10:13 By Geri Mileva 文/格里·米列娃 译/邓梦寒  英语世界

The term metaverse is a combination of two words, “meta” and “verse”.Meta is a prefix that means beyond or transcending, while verse refers to the universe.The metaverse comprises several 3D worlds where digital versions of people can interact and move from one place to another.Dubbed by many as the “future of the internet”, the metaverse can provide a gateway to provide entertainment beyond online gaming.The metaverse could allow people to work on projects, compete in sports, or watch concerts together on shared virtual platforms.

元宇宙的英文metaverse 是meta 和verse 两个单词的合成词。meta 是前缀,意为“超出”“超越”,verse 指universe,即“宇宙”之意。元宇宙包含多个3D 世界,数字虚拟人物可在其中互动和穿行。很多人称元宇宙为“互联网的未来”,它可以为娱乐打开一扇门,通往在线游戏以外更广阔的领域。在元宇宙里,人们可以通过共享虚拟平台合作开展项目、参与体育活动或共赏音乐会。

The metaverse of the metaspace is a synthesis of two words: Meta and Verse. Meta is a prefix, meaning "exceeding" and verse means "cosmos". The metacosystem consists of multiple 3D worlds in which digital virtual characters interact and cross. Many call the metacocosystem "the future of the Internet," which opens a door to entertainment and goes beyond online games. In the metacosystem, people can work together on projects, sports or concerts through shared virtual platforms.

2 Science fiction writer Neal Stephenson made popular the word metaverse in his 1992 novelSnow Crash.The cyberpunk novel tells the story of Hiro who is a pizza delivery guy in real life.In the metaverse, Hiro becomes a sword-wielding warrior who aims to save the world from a digital virus called Snow Crash.

2 科幻小说作家尼尔·斯蒂芬森1992年的小说《雪崩》让“元宇宙”成为一个流行词。这部赛博朋克小说讲述了现实生活中的披萨外卖小哥阿弘的故事。在元宇宙里,阿弘化身挥剑的战士,意欲拯救世界免遭数字病毒“雪崩”之害。

2 The Sci-fi novel writer Neil Stephenson's 1992 novel Avalanche made the word "the dollar universe" a popular word. The Saberpenk novel tells the story of the real-life pizza takeaway boy Ah Hong. In the Won-cosmos, Ah-Hon is a sword-shaking warrior who wants to save the world from the digital virus Avalanche.

3 The following characteristics give a clearer picture of what a metaverse looks like:

·It is persistent

Events and experiences in the metaverse do not pause, end, or reset, just like in the real world.When a user logs out, everything inside the metaverse will continue to exist and function.

·It is always live

The metaverse and the digital objects inside are experienced in real-time.Any content, experience, or information is accessible at any given time and remains available even when a user logs out of their account.

·It can host an audience of any size

The metaverse brings together millions of users from any part of the physical world.Users can experience an event simultaneously.

·It is interoperable

Digital information and assets are shared across multiple virtual platforms.The same can also be translated into the physical world.For example, a user can purchase an item of clothing for their avatar and use it on different virtual platforms.

·It allows customization

Users can change their avatars or digital identities at any time to showcase their personality or current mood.Content may be designed and created by independent developers and large organizations.

·It has a functioning and sustainable economy

Users can purchase digital goods and services to enhance their Metaverse experience.They can also shop for physical items that can be shipped anywhere they want in the real world.

·It combines the virtual and physical world

The metaverse spans both real-world and digitally created content and experiences.

3 以下几个特点更加清晰地展现了元宇宙的面貌:

The following features provide a clearer picture of the meta-cosmos:




Events and experiences in the metacosystem, like in the real world, do not pause, end or reset. After the user withdraws, everything in the universe will continue to exist and work.


· Real-time


Digital objects in the meta-cosmos and the meta-cosmos are real-time. Users can access any content, experience or information in them at any given time, even if they withdraw from the account.


• To accommodate an infinite audience


The meta-cosmos brings together countless users from the corners of the real world. Users can experience an event at the same time.




Digital information and assets can be shared among multiple virtual platforms and can also be translated into the real world. For example, users can buy their own clothes in the virtual world and wear them on different virtual platforms.


Allow customization


Users can change their virtual image or digital identity at any time, displaying their personality or current status.


Having a well-functioning and sustainable economy


Users can purchase digital goods and services to enhance their meta-cosm experience, as well as physical goods that can be transported anywhere in the real world according to their needs.


• Combining the virtual and the real world


The meta-cosmos contains the content and experience of the real world and digital creation.

4 The metaverse aims to provide people a gateway to experience real-world activities in a virtual environment.Below are just some of the activities one can expect upon entering the metaverse.

·Social interaction

Communicating with friends, colleagues, or loved ones is a lot easier in the metaverse.Besides video calls, users can host or attend online events or celebrations like weddings, birthdays,or retirement parties and attend no matter where in the world they are located.


Users can shop for both virtual and physical goods.VR devices and shoppingrelated software can allow users to try on clothing and accessories or test gadgets and appliances before buying them.


While business owners and employees can collaborate and work together on projects from anywhere in the world using apps like Zoom and Google Meet,the metaverse brings the experience up a notch by making the interactions more natural.


The metaverse offers a more immersive experience for the online gaming community, increasing the level of engagement.Virtual platforms can also host sporting events, movie premieres,or music festivals for an unlimited number of users.

For people who want to travel but are unable to because of their busy schedules or because they are recovering from an illness or injury, the metaverse allows users the opportunity to visit different countries without leaving their homes.

4 元宇宙旨在为人们打开一扇门,让人们在虚拟环境中体验现实世界的活动。以下是人们进入元宇宙后可能开展的部分活动。

The meta-cosmos is designed to open up a door for people to experience real world activities in a virtual environment. Here are some of the activities that people can do when they enter the meta-cosmos.




It is much easier to communicate with friends, colleagues, or relatives in the Woncosmos. In addition to video calls, users can also organize or participate in online events or celebrations, such as weddings, birthdays, or retirement parties, wherever they are.




Virtual reality equipment and shopping-related software allow users to try clothes, wear accessories or test small tools and appliances before purchase.


• Doing business

虽然企业主和员工可以使用 Zoom 和 Google Meet 等应用程序在世界任何地方合作开展项目,但元宇宙可以使互动更加自然,从而将体验提升一个档次。

While enterprise owners and employees can work together on projects using applications such as Zoom and Google Meet anywhere in the world, meta-cosmos can make interaction more natural, thus raising the level of experience.




The meta-cosmos can provide a more immersive and participatory experience for online play communities. Virtual platforms can also host sports events, film premieres, or music festivals for an unlimited number of users.


For those who want to travel but are unable to do so because of their busy business or illness, the Yuan cosmos gives users the opportunity to travel from different countries.

5 For users to connect to the metaverse, it is ideal to have the following technologies available:

· Strong internet connection access and stream content and applications in real-time

· Devices that can support VR, AR(Augmented Reality), or MR (Mixed Reality)environments

· Cryptocurrency wallet to facilitate transactions across virtual worlds

5 用户如要进入元宇宙,最好具备以下技术:

For users to enter the metacosystem, it is desirable that the following technologies be available:


Strong Internet access and real-time current transfer of content and applications

·可以支持VR(虚拟现实)、AR(增强现实)或 MR(混合现实)环境的设备

Equipment that can support VR (virtual reality), AR (enhanced reality) or MR (mixed reality) environments


• Encrypted currency wallets to facilitate transactions in the virtual world

6 Meanwhile, developers must focus on the following technologies to ensure that they bring users an uninterrupted and engaging experience in the metaverse:

· Up-to-the-minute protocols and program languages that will drive and support the metaverse system

· Database management techniques like “sharding” to manage the number of users and prevent server downtimes

6 同时,开发人员应致力于保障以下技术,确保给予用户不间断且引人入胜的元宇宙体验:

At the same time, developers should work to safeguard the following technologies and ensure that users are given an uninterrupted and attractive experience of metacosystems:


• The latest protocol and program language that drives and supports meta-cosmos systems



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