
资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:53 评论:0
之前持续写了十几篇常旅客系列下面关于信用卡方面的文章,因为你没有信用卡这个支付工具的帮助,玩常旅客真的是门外汉级别呀。More than a dozen articles have been wri...


More than a dozen articles have been written on credit cards under the regular passenger series, because you don't have credit cards as a payment tool.


And today, Hsing Chia comes to talk to you about recruiting banks, and at the same time, we have some knowledge of bitcoin...

  1. 第一张卡,为了SPG一夜升金


A friend who had read Stargae's article before should have known that, when there were no regular visitors in the year, applying for a credit card only knew how much to read, did not know about rights and side events, and after how many days and nights of self-learning and physical exercise, it was better than most ordinary people's understanding of credit cards, and as a result several more readable articles were written, such as these:


Tell me about my credit card use all these years.


"AE hides its interests in white, and the CIP service of the VIP building at Shenzhen Po An Airport


For more relevant articles, please click on the menu after the public number:


As for the one-night rise in SPG, why would the first Katsinga apply for WorldCard, or take a good look at the article you wrote earlier?


The newcomers at the hotel will be looking at the one-night rise in SPG and the one-year-old pick-up.


I'll teach you how the SPG will raise the money overnight, together with three twos and a score, match the millionaire and the flying pig?


In general, it's best to have a senior hiring card client to invite you to do it, with a higher probability of a credit card and a lower card. The trouble is that for the first time, you usually have to have a valid ID to sign on the network, but then it won't be so much trouble. And then we'll say, "Recommend card."

2. 吐槽一下招行的推荐办卡



Since credit cards bring a lot of money to the bank, let's see how much trouble it's going to be with the recommended card process. Other banks, such as Pouphu, can recommend not only new customers, but also self-service cards for old-school users.


Here's how the lovely little Chi-chung recommended the card:


1 sung-ja can only recommend a friend without a card, which means he can only recommend a new user who has never held a personal credit card.


After finding a friend who had never opened a card, she had to ask her new friend for the following information, which she had to fill out in person before submitting the recommendation, as follows:


By the way, the name of the company cannot exceed 15 words, and the company of formerly moving colleagues is simply unable to complete the name of the company within 15 words.


It's an unmainstream experience. Let's go on to say...


Look at the screenshot, a reminder, 'Don't know who to recommend, click here', and it's amazing that a star who has so many credit cards has a direct view of whether or not all of your friends in the directory are recruiters, because the system can show by phone the long time you've got a new account to invite. See the screenshot below:


If you take advantage of `social engineering' and some basic hacking knowledge, if Shing Chia has a bit of a conscience to hack a person, and the credit card has been stolen and you don't know it, you'll have to stop talking about it and you'll have to count on luck.


It's hard to write a bunch of articles, get credit cards from friends who believe credit cards are a good tool, get backstages where Hsinga can access recommended records and data, the only way to do this is to harass a customer's service.


And look at how Poopa credit cards are made, totally self-help:


The delay in data on the system caused by Slut IT is understandable, but it is only to be able to learn from other equity banks that, in addition to the quality of their services, can be refined in these details. To be honest, this "Recommend card" is really a bit anti-human...


3. A little personal thoughts on the use of credit cards


There are too many rumours about the cards, but there are a lot more rules to govern the process of getting platinum cards on the high-end platinum cards, either you keep the money, or you start platinum with regular cards, you can apply for platinum for self-help after 60,000, and monkeys have too many stories to tell.


So, according to the standard for high-end platinum cards, recruitment is not as watery as it is for cardholders as well as for rights and activities such as Wednesday's unpaid day, 10 points for birthdays, CIPs for VIPs, etc., and the only credit card that can be traded directly for SPGs as hard currency in the ring is now the AE and Diamond Cards, for 17 years for high-end card holders, if you are a loyal millionaire fan.


It is well known that the gold sunflower halls and telephones used are also popular with friends, and that even some branch financial managers will draw up a collection of fulfilled customers of gold sunflowers and regularly recommend items of property or recruitment activities. In addition to enticing you to buy money, it is certainly good that the financial manager's microscopic personal service occasionally consults questions of recruitment, at least more efficient than telephone calls, and name the staff members of the Silver Treasure Lake Road branch.


Finally, for the purpose of fulfilling the recommended tasks of the target newcomers, Hsinga responded in a single manner to a few questions from each of you:


Question 1: How much can I put down? Is it certain that you can put a card down on your application?


A: Anyone who gives you a guarantee that the card is a fraud, does not exclude that you do not understand the rights and activities of a credit card, but merely the size of a credit card. Whether a third-party agency helps or you do the card, it is in the bank's audit system that the credit card can be paid, and no one who can give you a ticket must have at least 100,000 (not including, of course, that some branches, such as Shingja, have a savings card, but the first trade card has a JCB platinum card and is free of the first year's annual fee).


Question 2: Which card do you recommend?


Answer: The high-end platinum card must be the best, with three classic whites, AEs and diamond cards, and the last two of them, with $3,600 worth of fresh annual fees, scares off friends. The problem is that unless you move bricks long enough, the platinum in the new house is a real dream.


So listen honestly to Hsing's suggestion, either recruits the WorldCard to fix the world of SPG overnight upgrades to regular visitors, or offers an annual fee-free JCB Platinum to at least have a domestic golden-century VIP room, which is not as good as Longing, PP and Airflake, but at least a sofa, with an unlimited amount of snacks and drinks to accompany you on the plane.


If you don't know what JCB is, look first:


A common knowledge of credit cards that ordinary people should understand.


Question 3: Why are you so eager to spread credit card knowledge and take time to get credit cards?


Answer: Hsingja is not a charity, he must want a name and a profit. Now that the backstage subscriptions have been made because of the new media or virtual reality, and he learns over a period of time that the original credit card can still play like this, Hsinga has become what they all say is "very powerful."


In addition to this, Hsing Jia tried to make money by a variety of means, and the traffic master's ads, which were never seen, were opened. The following article can be read in passing, and Hsing Jia can get a few cents of the post's poster.

说回推荐办卡,星佳作为推荐人是为了得到招行的积分,而作为被推荐人其实也不亏,除了能更大概率的顺利下卡之外,还有开卡礼哦,可能大多数朋友第一张信用卡激活之后都没有留意过『开卡礼』这个东西,那你真的损失了几个亿,银行会被新户达标之后给予的奖励就是开卡礼,比如曾经招行送星佳价值500多的新秀丽的包,亲... 白送的哦...

You've lost hundreds of millions of dollars since the first credit card was activated.


And as a referee, you have the following benefits:


Isn't that a double gain?


And then you made it, and you learned how to use the card in your hand. Did you lose it?


Do you think the bank's lost it?


No, you're naive. As long as you use a credit card, banks and card organizations are lying there to make money, and eventually they exploit ordinary consumers (since 100 dollars of services, businesses only get $94, so business people have to raise the price of their services, so it's not just ordinary consumers, the so-called ordinary consumers simply don't know the credit card, and they know only what it is.


So, to talk about it, what kind of swollen banks and monopolistic card organizations can make money by being a star in a real tech world? So, when bitcoin based on block-chain technology emerges, as long as consumers and service providers accept the value of Bitcoin, there's no more card organizations and banks, no more charges, no more bank, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money, no more money.


To end today's article with a stylish phrase:


Bitcoin will break any government's capital controls and, for the first time in human history, use technology to secure the sanctity of private property...


If you want to know about block chains, bitcoin's knowledge, you can focus on Stargauge's public and Weibo @Sungja's a small man, look at the article you wrote earlier, and welcome the message...


I invested in bitcoin, block chains, virtual currency better look at this article...


Micromail: xingjia10086


Weibo: @Sungja is a small man.


By the way, if you need a card, you'll have to hook up with Starga-ha.


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