
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:52 评论:0



When Bitcoin jumped close to 20,000 , some vowed never to touch bitcoin again, others committed suicide by selling bitcoin in advance and consumer debt could not be filled...

去年12月,美国最大的期权交易所 CBOE 推出了比特币期货,让本已疯狂的比特币价格继续推高,在一周内上涨了20%,并在12月17日一举突破2万美元的关卡达到史前的最高报价20888美元。

Last December, the United States' largest option CBOE launched Bitcoin futures, allowing the already insane bitcoin price to continue to rise, rising by 20% in a week, and on 17 December it reached its prehistoric highest bid of $2088.8

在比特币接近2万美元时,当时投资研究机构 Standpoint Research 创始人 Ronnie Moas 直言:「自7月初我推荐以来,比特币价格已上涨500%,我预计从目前水平还将再上涨500%,比特币的终极游戏将是达到30万至40万美元,成为全球最具价值的货币。」

At a time when Bitcoin was close to $20,000, Ronnie Moas, the founder of the investment research institute Standpoint Research, said, “since my recommendation in early July, the price of Bitcoin has increased by 500 per cent, I expect to increase by another 500 per cent from the current level, and the Bitcoin final game will be 300,000 to 400,000 dollars, making it the most valuable currency in the world.”


At the same time, the domestic heat on Bitcoin has reached its highest level in history, with a crowd of large Vs,


The market, however, has swollen everyone’s face. Eight months have passed since the 20,000 dollars were close to Bitcoin, and BlockBeats has three stories to share with your readers.


I bought a bitcoin for $17131.


Udayan, a California software engineer, bought Bitcoin at $17131.

作为一名软件工程师,Udayan 了解到比特币这个东西是必然的。甚至在前阵子比特币价格的疯涨的时间里,你能听到「BTC」和「数字货币」的频次比「吃啥」、「喝啥」更多,这让Udayan 对买入比特币产生了兴趣,即便他并不知道它的真实价值是什么。

As a software engineer, Udayan understood that bitcoin was inevitable. Even in the pre-war period when bitcoin prices were soaring, you could hear more about BTC and digital money than about what to eat and what to drink, which made Udayan interested in buying bitcoin, even though he did not know its true value.


He did it under the temptation of a friend.


On December 17, he bought $17131: "A few days before the purchase, my assets grew at an almost insane rate, far more intuitive and moving than you invested in some property."


In December of last year, the price of Bitcoin increased by almost $1,000 a day. Madness makes people irrational, even with loans to buy bitcoin, and a series of tragedies have occurred.


Bitcoin continued to rise, and on December 18, market transaction prices reached an all-time high of $19299. Then, as we saw, bitcoin prices began to fall, falling to $18493 two days later.

Udayam 打算将比特币出售以换取部分利润,但是他的比特币信徒朋友告诉他,坚持拿住,下个月就能到3万美元,没准还能到5万美元。

Udayam intended to sell Bitcoin in exchange for a portion of the profit, but his friend of the Bitcoin followers told him to hold onto it and reach $30,000 next month, perhaps $50,000.

与此同时,区块链媒体也在不断地炒作「拿住,年底30万美元」、「比特币还能再涨500%」「专家预测能涨到40万美元」。在朋友的劝告和媒体的鼓吹下,Udayam 选择了继续持有。

At the same time, the block chain media has been squeezing: "Take it, $300,000 at the end of the year" and "A further 500% of Bitcoin" "Experts predict an increase of $400,000." Udayam has chosen to continue holding it, thanks to the advice of friends and the media.

然而,3天之后,比特币并没有扭转颓势,比特币如瀑布一般,暴跌到14701美元,Udayam 留下「我很难受」的动态后便从未出现过。

Three days later, however, Bitcoin did not turn the tide, falling like a waterfall to $147.01, and Udayam left the "I can't stand" dynamic that never happened.


On December 23, a few days ago, the media, which was also reporting the "Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step-Step", began to report "one third of the market value of a day."

在 Udayam 记录自己炒比特币的帖子里,有大量的投资者和他一样,在高位参与投资,甚至有人在19250美元的时候买入。也有人尝试在13000美元的时候抄底,还有人想在10000美元的时候抄底,当然也有人想在9000美元的时候抄底……

In the Udayam post recording his own bid for bitcoin, there were a lot of investors, like him, who were investing in high places, and even bought for $19250. There were also attempts to copy $13,000, others wanted to write it down at $10,000, and of course others wanted to write it down at $9,000.


I had a message in his post that I had bought a bitcoin at the age of 20 at a $10 price, and saw it drop to $2, so I didn't care for myself. I was sad about the people who were on top because they were caught up in it, because whether the price of the bitcoin or the fall was very volatile for you, and that was undoubtedly a stupid way of investing.


Is thebasket a stupid investor?


My brother was killed by the surge in bitcoin.

Bonerz 的哥哥,比特币早期投资者,在100美元左右买入比特币。

Bonerz's brother, an early bitcoin investor, bought bitcoin for about $100.


The first person to be exposed to suicide in the media as a result of Bitcoin, not because of the fall in bitcoin, but because of the surge in bitcoin.

2017年12月,Reddit 一个《比特币杀死了我哥哥》的帖子引起了轰动。在悼文中,作者 Bonerz 提到自己的哥哥在2012年的时候购入15000枚比特币,在2012年10-11月间,他看到哥哥的钱包里有?6000多个比特币。

In December 2017, Reddit's post, "bitcoin killed my brother." In his eulogy, the author, Bonerz, mentioned that his brother had purchased 15,000 bitcoins in 2012 and that between October and November 2012, he saw more than 6,000 bitcoins in his brother's wallet.


During that time, the brother continued to brag in the family about how he had become a millionaire through Bitcoin and became the most popular and popular populist in the whole family.

但是到了2013年的时候,哥哥告诉 Bonerz 自己的大部分比特币因为黑客攻击丢了(媒体猜测为门头沟事件)。在2013年底之前,Bonerz 的哥哥将剩余的比特币全部出售套现,那时一枚比特币价格才200美元。

By 2013, however, his brother told Bonnerz that most of his bitcoin had been lost as a result of hacking (the media speculated that it was a door-to-door gull). By the end of 2013, Bonerz’s brother sold all the remaining bitcoins, a bitcoin price of $200.


At the end of 2013, the price of Bitcoin began to rise sharply, and the lowest value thereafter was higher than when he sold it. Losing the opportunity, his brother began to suffer from severe depression.

随后的数年里,Bonerz 每次跟哥哥通电话的时候,哥哥总是像疯了一样地数落自己、怪自己卖的太早了、错过了再次致富的机会。

For the years that followed, when Bonnerz talked to his brother on the phone, he always counted himself as crazy, blamed himself for selling too early, missed his chance to be rich again.

2017年11月底比特币突破1万美元,Bonerz 的哥哥再也联系不上了。数周之后,家人被警方通知去认领遗体。Bonerz 的哥哥自杀了,年仅29岁。

At the end of November 2017, Bitcoin broke 10,000 dollars, and Bonerz’s brother was no longer able to contact him. A few weeks later, the family was informed by the police to identify the body. Bonerz’s brother committed suicide, a 29-year-old.

当然,这并非个案。在2018年2月2日,凤凰网报道:一名大学生投资2000多万元韩元购买虚拟货币后,一度暴涨到2 亿多韩元。但在去年年底,他所投资的虚拟货币暴跌,不仅获利归零,连本金也全赔了进去。之后,这个男生得了严重的忧郁症,并在近期被发现自杀。

On February 2, 2018, Phoenix Network reported that after investing more than 20 million won in virtual currency, a university student jumped to more than 200 million won. But at the end of last year, his investment in virtual currency collapsed, making not only zero gains, but even the principal money.

Bonerz 在悼文中这么说,

In his eulogy, Bonnerz says,

「如果我错过赚5000 万美元的机会,我也会自杀的。我不敢想象哥哥过去几年经历了什么,但他再也过不上自己想要的美好且有钱得日子了。比特币彻底摧毁了他的心智,只要和他提任何一点和钱、投资沾边的东西,他就会发疯,或者痛哭。」

"If I miss the opportunity to make $50 million, I will also commit suicide. I can't imagine what my brother has been through in the last few years, but he will never be able to live the good and rich life he wants. Bitcoin has completely destroyed his mind, and he will go mad or cry if he brings any of the things that is tied to money and investment."


I borrowed consumer loans from my family.

然而,区块律动 BlockBeats 的【韭菜花】专栏中还有一篇文章素材没有发表出来,当时我们认为这篇文章的内容太短且内容与其他投稿相似就没有发表出来,但现在可以了。


这样他老婆就发现不了,而且等钱赚到手,老婆也不会说什么。12 月初,他开始了自己的资金运作:先从蚂蚁借呗上借了1 万出来,但是价格涨的太快了,他想等价格不涨的时候再买,但是发现价格的上涨并没有停下来。因为他的犹豫不决,他少赚了不少钱。

So his wife won't find it, and the wife won't say anything until the money is paid. At the beginning of December, he started his own money operation: he borrowed 10,000 from ants, but the price went up too fast, and he wanted to buy it when the price didn't rise, but it didn't stop. Because of his hesitation, he made a lot of money less.

他计算之后发现,这 1 万块钱,顶多赚几千块,不如一次性来个大的。于是乎他顺着群发的小贷 App 短信,去借了 40000 块钱出来,扣除手续费等杂项费用后,到手 35000,年化利息 18%。但是如果赚了,下个月就还上,利息都是小钱。

When he calculated it, he realized that it was worth a few thousand dollars, not as much as a one-time payment. So he followed a group of App SMSs, and borrowed $40000, deducting miscellaneous expenses like fees, and paid 35,000, annualized interest, 18%. But if he did, the interest would be small next month.

12 月 15 日,在比特币小跌到 16500 之时,洪亮「抄底」了。3 天后,他的账户上显示自己已经赚了 17.5%。「再坚持一天,等到 30% 的时候卖掉。」

On December 15, when Bitcoin fell down to 16,500, the flash "cooked down." Three days later, his account showed that he had earned 17.5 percent. "Hold another day until 30 percent."

2 天后,比特币价格开始下跌了,他的账户上显示自己只赚了 12%,但依旧是一笔不小的财富了。洪亮还想再等等,因为他相信自己可以再坚持一下。

Two days later, bitcoin prices began to fall, and his account showed that he made only 12 percent, but still a lot of money. Hung wanted to wait, because he believed he could hold on.

12 月 21 日,洪亮的账户上显示已经不赚钱了。12 月 23 日,在恐慌之中,他把自己的比特币卖掉了,此时自己的支付宝里有 35100 人民币。

On December 21, the flood bank account showed no money. On December 23, in a panic, he sold his bitcoin, while he had 35,100 yuan in his own payment treasure.


After the loan, Hong Liang did not have enough money to repay the loan, and he felt very guilty and humiliated about this speculative failure, which nobody told him and eventually chose to pay in instalments.


In the end of his story, Hong Liang said, "I only hope that my wife will not find out about my failure to invest, and if she knew how stupid I was, I would have no place in this house."

在区块律动 BlockBeats 知道的一些币圈套路中,我们还见到过一些国内的交易所将用户的隐私信息出售给消费贷、P2P 公司的情况。他们拿到投资者的 KYC 信息之后,并不会第一时间主动联系他们,而是利用他们渴望资金赚钱的时候再「送温暖」。

In some of the currency traps that BlockBeats knows about, we have also seen domestic exchanges sell their customers’ privacy information to consumer lenders, P2P companies. They don't contact investors as soon as they get KYC information, but they use their money to make money to "get warm."


At a time when bitcoin prices began to fall, a lot of people would think of it as a sign of a bottom-down, but there was no way to get enough money to buy it, and such investments were not supported by their families, so they had to open up some other channels. At that time, P2Ps and micro-lending companies would knock on the door.

如果比特币价格大跌时,他们会给投资者发送短信,告诉他们能拿到 5000-20000 的消费额度,无担保、无抵押,信用借款,立刻提现。

When bitcoin prices fall, they send a text message to investors telling them that they can get a consumption level of 5000-20000, unguaranteed, unencumbered, credit loans, and cash them immediately.

5000-20000 的额度,对于普通人来说并不是特别大的数额,也完全符合赌徒的心理承受范围,这些钱入场,可以大赚一笔;就算是亏了,也亏不了多少,也很容易还上。

The sum of 5000-20000 is not a very large sum for ordinary people, and it is within the range of a gambler's psychological well-being, and it can make a lot of money, and if it is lost, it will be easy to pay it back.


We only hope that Hung Liang is not a gambler.


Who's charging for the Bitcoin faith?

分析机构 Chainalysis 发现:从 2017 年 12 月份开始,比特币交易量比之前高出了 57%,与此同时比特币庄家在 12 月到 4 月份之间,出手了 300 亿美元的比特币,比特币的小额买家成为大庄家的接盘侠。

The analytical agency, Chainalysis, found that from December 2017, Bitcoin was 57 per cent more traded than before, while the Bitcoin dealer made $30 billion in bitcoins between December and April, and the small buyer of Bitcoin became the handler of the big banker.

大家都见过这个《大三学生手头有 6000 元,有什么好的理财投资建议?》知乎提问。这个帖子之所以出名,是因为巴比特的创始人长铗给这个大学生的理财建议:买比特币,保存好钱包文件,然后忘掉你有过 6000 元这回事,五年后再看看。

You've all seen this "Students have 6000 dollars, what's good advice for financial investment? ". It's a famous post because Babbitt's founder gave the college a financial advice: buy bitcoin, save the wallet, and forget that you've had 6000 dollars, and look at it in five years.


Of course, the student at the time did not follow the advice if he had chosen to buy the current price by millions in that year.

而在 2013 年,当比特币已经涨到上百美元的高位,也有一些人留言表示懊悔,当时长铗依然留言到,现在依然不晚。

In 2013, when Bitcoin had risen to a high of hundreds of dollars, and some people had expressed remorse, it was still not too late to leave a message.

从今天的角度回顾,和比特币在 2017 年 12 月 2 万美元的价格相比,2013 年投资比特币依然可以轻松获得 100 倍的投资收益,这种投资甚至比在 2007 年去北京买房子更有利可图。

From today's perspective, the investment in Bitcoin in 2013 is still 100 times more profitable than buying a house in Beijing in 2007, compared to the price of $20,000 in December 2017.

在这篇文章创作的过程中,比特币从 7000 涨到 8000 又跌回 7000 美元。区块律动 BlockBeats 想对各位投资者说,区块链世界需要信仰精神,你可以相信它未来会涨到 2 万的美好,但也要接受它现在能跌到 6000 的现实。

In the process of writing this article, Bitcoin went up from 7000 to 8000 and fell back to $7000. Block Beats wants to tell investors that the block chain world needs faith, and you can believe that it will rise to 20,000 good in the future, but also accept the fact that it can now fall to 6000.


Markets are risky and market entry requires caution and not by speculators.


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